Ep 07 - Reaching Out to Teens | Randy Raus artwork
Shalom World - 100 Fold

Ep 07 - Reaching Out to Teens | Randy Raus

  • S1E7
  • 25:51
  • October 7th 2023

In this episode of "100 Fold," the spotlight is on Randy Raus, the President and CEO of Life Teen International, a dynamic Catholic youth ministry organization. Randy's journey into youth ministry was sparked by a personal conversion to Catholicism and a desire to share the message of Christ with teenagers. He emphasizes the importance of building personal relationships with young people, earning the right to be heard, and creating a sense of community among them. Randy's dedication to youth ministry has been remarkably successful, with Life Teen being credited by around 35% of current seminarians in the United States as their main inspiration for pursuing the priesthood.

The episode delves into the unique features of the Life Teen Mass, which is designed to engage young people actively in the liturgy. The Mass encourages active participation through singing and relatable homilies, making it an impactful experience for Catholic youth. Life Teen also places a strong emphasis on fostering vocations and missionary spirit among young people, with a dynamic missions program and opportunities for prayer and discernment. Furthermore, the organization has seen tremendous growth in its summer camps, reaching thousands of young people each year.

Randy's infectious passion for youth ministry and his unwavering commitment to bringing young people closer to Christ and the Catholic Church shine through in this episode. His dedication has not only transformed the lives of countless teenagers but has also significantly impacted the future of the Church by nurturing vocations and missionary zeal among Catholic youth.

Episode Breakdown:

  • 02:56 - Life Teen's Impact on Vocations
  • 04:57 - Randy's Journey into Youth Ministry
  • 07:55 - Challenges and Overcoming Resistance
  • 12:26 - Life Teen Mass and Vibrant Liturgies
  • 19:08 - Encouraging Teens to Participate in Life

100Fold, hosted by Peter Karutz, is a series that unfolds inspiring, untold stories of ministry founders and leaders who gave their all, overcame setbacks and continued in their journey to reap a hundredfold because of their commitment, zeal, perseverance, and their love for the Lord and Church.

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Life Teen International: https://lifeteen.com/

100 Fold

Here are men and women who left behind their comfort zones and successful careers to set their lives aside for the glory of God to build God’s kingdom on Earth. 

Learn these inspiring, untold stories of founders and leaders who gave their all, overcame setbacks, and continued in their journey to reap a hundredfold. 

Shalom World Podcasts brings you 100Fold, a series that unfolds the journey of ministry founders, their commitment, zeal, their perseverance, and their love for the Lord and Church hosted by Peter Karutz.

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Peter Karutz

    Peter Karutz, a senior partner at Matson, Driscoll &; Damico (MDD) Forensic Accountants, serves on the Global Executive Committee at MDD. He is an active fourth-degree Knight of Columbus and Knight of Peter Claver. He serves on the board of directors of a number of charities and not-for-profit organizations. Peter Karutz volunteers as the host for Shalom World’s 100Fold.

    “During our first interview on 100Fold, I asked our guests, a married couple, for advice. That is what we do, ask those who have made the journey of life and learn from their great and profound wisdom and eloquence. I asked her if a person is feeling called or pulled to service in a profoundly changing way, how do we know it is coming from God… She said, very simply, “if you are struggling with what seems to be a call to service of the Church, where do you think the call is coming from? It’s from Christ! Listen, and accept the joy the Christ has set out just for you.”” - Peter Karutz