Special Episode: Fix Perth Housing! Interview with Keith Hutchings
- S1E63
- 31:48
- September 28th 2020
It is the Queen's Birthday long weekend over here in Perth, time to do some renos around the house. Rather than painting the kitchen or tinker in the shed, have you ever thought about the design of your house and how it loses you money? This could be how Perth's houses are not making the most of our Mediterranean Climate.
Today's guest is Keith Hutchings, New Jersey Native and now expat who lives in Perth. Keith heads the Comfortable Home Project, who's passion is Passive Solar and how it can save you on your energy costs. Here we have a good social marketing chat about changing people's perspectives with the power of communications.
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12 Hats Radio
All marketing podcasts are created equal, some are more equal than others. Rather getting technical, jargon-filled and dry. Join us each week as we chat a different marketer, podcaster or startup entrepreneur on their life journey and share light-hearted stories, a few laughs about failures and what wakes them up in the morning.
Why 12 Hats? Well that is the number of roles an entrepreneur plays when running their startup or a marketer plays when dealing with a client.
Meet the Hosts

The Mastermind behind the 12 Hats Movement.
Dave has previously worked on community radio, has completed two Masters degrees in Marketing. He is also passionate about using the power of marketing and communications for social change and chatting to fellow entrepreneurs.
Whilst you are here why not check out his other project The Friendly Futurist, by clicking on the YouTube icon above?