Circuit Breaker Singapore and how we cope [16MW005] artwork
16min Week

Circuit Breaker Singapore and how we cope [16MW005]

  • S1E5
  • 17:44
  • April 23rd 2020

Welcome to the fifth episode of the 16 Minute Week podcast! 

This podcast is a side, fun experiment for two Singaporean guys who had some life lessons taught and want to share some ideas, while we continue to learn from others. We try to keep each episode to approx 16minutes so you can quickly pick up a useful idea / lifehack / productivity tip you can try for the day.  

This week, we talk about Singapore's Circuit Breaker measures against the COVID19 virus, how we are all coping working from home and what are the ways we keep our body and minds healthy.

We did this before the extension was announced :S

Resources mentioned:

7 min workout video

Online games with colleagues and friends

Do pardon the audio quality, there were some dropouts.

Photo credit: Unable to trace origin, if you know, let us know so we can share who did the creative image of Darth mask!

16min Week

Two Singaporean guys who share their weekly experiences and learnings about life hacks, fitness, productivity, tech, gadgets and adventures!

Come learn some new things every week!