In conversation with Kate Morris-Bates - Transformation Director - Harworth artwork
42 Roles in the Built Environment

In conversation with Kate Morris-Bates - Transformation Director - Harworth

  • S3E23
  • 44:18
  • June 15th 2023

42 Roles in the Built Environment - Transformation Director

"Transformation, think of it like a three-legged stool. People, process and systems. For all of those things, all of those aspects of transformation you need to have quite a systematic approach" - Kate Morris-Bates

Kate is Group Resources & Transformation Director at Harworth Group, a leading sustainable regenerator of land and property for development and investment. Kate has responsibility for Harworth’s HR, Business Support, Technology, Workplace Development and Internal Communications functions. 

Working with the Executive team and across the business, Kate’s role is critical to delivering Harworth’s strategy to grow the business to £1bn by 2027. Kate has spent 25 years working within facilities, risk management, learning & development as well as a time running her own consultancy and wellbeing businesses. Kate and her family are self-confessed outdoorsy people with a passion for nature.

42 Roles in the Built Environment

Throughout this season we are talking to people who lead, plan, design, build, facilitate and push through change within the built environment. Our aim is simple, to leave you informed and inspired. Enjoy.