Talking with Wendy Broomhead - Sustainability Consultant - Ridge and Partners artwork
42 Roles in the Built Environment

Talking with Wendy Broomhead - Sustainability Consultant - Ridge and Partners

  • S4E37
  • 43:19
  • August 1st 2023

42 Roles in the Built Environment - Sustainability Consultant

"Be curious. And stay curious. Keep learning, and if you see something you’re interested in, even if it’s a niche thing, go after it" - Wendy Broomhead

Wendy is a Partner at Ridge and Partners, and was a founding director of Scott Hughes Design. She has over 30 years of experience in construction, as both a Structural Engineer and Sustainability Consultant.

She enjoys working on a diverse range of projects from commercial developments through theatres & sports stadia to schools, universities, and healthcare facilities. Wendy has developed a reputation for being pro-active and client focused. Over the past twenty years, she has developed her sustainability services offering to include Net Zero Carbon, ESG, Sustainability Accreditations (e.g. BREEAM, Homes Quality Mark, LEED, SKA, WELL & Fitwel), Post Occupancy Evaluation and Life Cycle Costing.

42 Roles in the Built Environment

Throughout this season we are talking to people who lead, plan, design, build, facilitate and push through change within the built environment. Our aim is simple, to leave you informed and inspired. Enjoy.