A Storytelling Landscape - The Folk O' Hill & Mound - An Island Crofter's Calendar (Episode 2)
- S1E2
- 28:04
- February 25th 2022
A Storytelling Landscape - The Folk O' Hill & Mound - An Island Crofter's Calendar. Our second episode, The Folk O' Hill & Mound - An Island Crofter's Calendar, featured Barbara Wick of Easter Voy Farm. A big thanks to Barbara for taking part! We would also like to thank the estate of George Mackay Brown for use of his poems and narrative.
Produced by Flow State Music in collaboration with the Orkney Folklore & Storytelling Centre.
You can keep up-to-date with our upcoming live streaming events and podcasts by visiting orkneystorytelling.com/astorytellinglandscape or by searching Apple Podcasts, Facebook, Instagram and Spotify for ‘A Storytelling Landscape’.
Storyteller: Lynn Barbour
Producer: Kyle Wilson
A Storytelling Landscape
A Storytelling Landscape | Digital. Folklore. Heritage. A series of podcasts and live streamed events from the Islands of Orkney. #YS2022