Alternative grass species artwork
The Al & Juddy Show

Alternative grass species

  • S2E23
  • 47:08
  • February 2nd 2024

Join Al & Juddy as they delve into the lesser-explored realm of alternative grass species in the New Zealand landscape.

Building on their extensive coverage of popular grass varieties, this episode was inspired by a listener’s request to explore the less conventional choices that may not be widely adopted in New Zealand.

From an agronomic perspective, Al & Juddy dissect these alternative grasses, examining their relevance and application in various animal systems.

“We kind of love them together as what we refer to as the alternative options. Their different characteristics mean that they have quite different ranges in terms of where you would sow them. Moreover, they play varied roles within animal systems, showcasing their versatility”Glenn Judson

The Al & Juddy Show

Have you ever spent long nights awake thinking about the role of the different types of ryegrasses?

Or perhaps you pass your time on the tractor questioning Ecotain’s® ability to reduce nitrate leaching?

If so you may want to check in with your health care professional, but in the meantime, Al and Juddy are here to help explain the technical, practical and sometimes humorous implications of forages and animal systems that keep New Zealand farmers leading the world.

Allister Moorhead (Al) is Agricom’s Senior Agronomist and Product Development Specialist & Dr Glenn Judson (Juddy) is Agricom’s Nutritional and Farm Systems Specialist.

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Meet the Hosts

Allister Moorhead avatar
Allister Moorhead

    Allister Moorhead (Al) is Agricom’s Senior Agronomist and Product Development Specialist and with almost 30 years in the industry, has a wealth of practical knowledge and experience in all things agronomy.

    Having provided agronomic support throughout New Zealand, Australia and South America, Al has first-hand knowledge of most forage plants in most environments and situations. For a practical, down-to-earth view on a range of relevant topics, Al’s worth a listen.

    Glen Judson avatar
    Glen Judson

      With 20 years of industry experience, Dr Glenn Judson (Juddy) is Agricom’s Nutritional and Farm Systems Specialist and leads an extensive research programme aimed at developing plant-based solutions for a range of industry challenges.

      Glenn has travelled extensively through New Zealand and Australia providing technical support on matters of forage nutrition and grazing management. For an animal-specific view on forages and grazing systems tune in to Juddy’s unique perspective.