Last day events is a compilation of the most significant statements by Ellen White, which relate to the earth's closing events. It is hoped that all will endeavor to have some understanding of earth's climatic events in view of the great controversy between good and evil. And to share the glorious truths about Jesus' second coming with others.
- Earthquakes and Floods
- Crime, Famines, Pestilence
- God's Purpose in Calamities
- Coming Events Are in the Hands of the Lord
- Heaven's Regard for Earth's Affairs
Take Home Points
The Spirit of God is being withdrawn from the Earth
Satan is poisoning the atmosphere and here we are dependent upon God for our Lives
The world is not without a ruler. The coming events are in the hands of the Lord.
Amazing Grace SDA Church
Preach, Learn, Love and Live the Word of God. Enjoy a Daily, Weekly and Monthly Podcast from the Amazing Grace Seventh Day Adventist Church, Windhoek Namibia. Were we bringing you messages of Hope, Love and Encouragement using the Word of God. Not forgetting messages of Living a Healthy Lifestyle, raising a Family in God's way, how to become a Good Steward in the house of God, we bring you the End time prophecy messages and an understanding of the times we are living in.