But First, Save 10 artwork
Aligned & Awakened

But First, Save 10

  • S1E5
  • 51:57
  • July 5th 2021

Meet Sarah-Catherine Gutierrez. Sarah is the founder and CEO of Aptus Financial, holds a Master in Public Policy from Harvard University, is an author, national speaker and so much more. 

In this episode you will discover:

  • How a desperate trip to India got her Aligned & Awakened
  • Her business model and why its so successful
  • Why saving 10 is so important
  • The importance of the money conversation and why we all should be having family business meetings

Aligned & Awakened

The Aligned & Awakened podcast brings you heartfelt, honest and open conversations about overcoming adversity. This podcast will help you re-align with your true self, amplify your inner truth and activate your limitless potential!

Meet the Host

Laurice Duffy avatar
Laurice Duffy
Host & Life Coach

Laurice Duffy is a Life Coach with a passion for inspiring and empowering women. She focuses her intuitive skills on women who feel empty, stuck, or unfulfilled to help them reclaim their power and find excitement in their life. Through a personal journey following the death of her husband and the father of their four teenage boys, Laurice has learned firsthand the importance of living in the moment and creating an ideal life. She believes all women can live a beautiful life simply by choosing to do so. 

Laurice is also a certified Passion workshop facilitator and has conducted several Vision Board and Self-Love workshops. Her Facebook group RISE, a group where women support and inspire each other, has more than 2,000 members. Through this group, she hosts a weekly series "Aligned and Awakened" where she interviews women who have used personal adversity to find their power and lead a purposeful life through the power of choice. She also spreads inspiration through her Instagram, A Mindful Journey. Laurice is active on the Grown and Flown Facebook community, where she often blogs about the experience of raising boys and finding purpose in solitude.

Laurice has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and her Life Coaching certification from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC).