The All Access portfolio artwork
The Effective Giving Podcast

The All Access portfolio

  • S1E8
  • 38:35
  • January 4th 2024

Lane discusses various projects he's implemented to combat spiritual and physical poverty globally. Listen to the overall vision of the organization, the strategy, work, and achievements across varied projects and regions. Projects span countries including India, Pakistan, South Sudan, Uganda, Chad, and Niger, focusing on different initiatives like providing clean water, microfinance, church planting, and discipleship. Lane outlines the rigorous process he uses to vet and select projects for inclusion in the portfolio, emphasizing data verification, cost-effectiveness, local-led initiatives, and potential for significant impact.

The Effective Giving Podcast

At All Access International, we believe all people deserve access to the Gospel and the means of physical survival, yet about half of the world doesn’t have access. We’re on a mission to end global spiritual and physical poverty, and we designed our strategy to be the best chance of accomplishing it. The All Access Effective Giving Podcast featuring Lane Kipp discusses the ins and outs of modern philanthropy.