You mean I don't have to tithe? (feat. David Croteau of Columbia International University) artwork
The Effective Giving Podcast

You mean I don't have to tithe? (feat. David Croteau of Columbia International University)

  • S1E21
  • 41:44
  • July 21st 2024

In this episode of the Effective Giving Podcast, we have an important discussion with Dr. David Croteau, Dean of Columbia Bible Seminary and School of Counseling at Columbia International University. Dr. Croteau, an expert on Christian giving and author of several books, shares insights from his extensive research on tithing. He recounts his personal journey from college, being influenced by a pastor who emphasized tithing for personal gain, to his transformative experience with John MacArthur’s sermon that led him to critically re-evaluate the biblical basis of tithing. Dr. Croteau clarifies Old and New Testament teachings on tithing, debunking common misconceptions and presenting a more grace-driven, love-driven, and relationship-driven approach to Christian giving. He also discusses the practical application of these principles for modern Christians, emphasizing sacrificial and generous giving without relying on a fixed percentage. The episode also touches on the potential shift in scholarly and pastoral perspectives on the subject and advice on approaching topics of tithing thoughtfully within church communities.

The Effective Giving Podcast

At All Access International, we believe all people deserve access to the Gospel and the means of physical survival, yet about half of the world doesn’t have access. We’re on a mission to end global spiritual and physical poverty, and we designed our strategy to be the best chance of accomplishing it. The All Access Effective Giving Podcast featuring Lane Kipp discusses the ins and outs of modern philanthropy.