Rachel Goodman artwork
ALMA Presents

Rachel Goodman

  • 33:27
  • January 18th 2022

This time we sit down with Rachel Goodman. Rachel is the vocalist and primary instrumentalist for "Rah Butter" and the mind behind Sample Augusta a web collection of art and music from all around Augusta. She talks about her influences, projects past and present, and the future of art and music in Augusta.

You can find Rachel with "Rah Butter" on ReverbNation: https://www.reverbnation.com/rahbutter Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4M6F9t5fPWiRCO8KYgKidT?si=zeKEL5f6TousJrS3afc1mA

And you can check out Sample Augusta at: https://www.sampleaugusta.com/

ALMA Presents

This IS the Augusta Local Music & Arts podcast. Coming from Augusta Podcasts, our host Coco Rubio talks to the rockers, creatives, artists, and stars that have put their fingerprints on local music in Augusta Georgia & beyond