Tolgahan Çoğulu Talks Microtonal Analytics artwork
Almost Viral with Simon The Magpie

Tolgahan Çoğulu Talks Microtonal Analytics

  • S1E24
  • 1:47:08
  • June 14th 2022

Simon the Magpie and Analog Weapon talk with Tolgahan Çoğulu about designing microtonal instruments, viral content, the “rules” of YouTube, working alone, TikTok, Instagram, short-form content, comparing different platforms, Lego guitar, X-fret guitar, robotic automatic microtonal guitar, live streaming (comparing platforms), subscriptions vs notifications on YouTube, transcribing and arranging King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard sheet music, working with his son and managing social exposure for a child, Garrbo hating guitars, and plans for the future.




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Almost Viral with Simon The Magpie

Simon The Magpie in conversation with fellow content creators about the lifestyle of online creativity.

A podcast with the goal of digging into the minds of content creators about the mechanics of going online with our creativity. To understand how differently one can tackle all the ups and downs that come with trying to "make it" online. Hopefully both helpful and inspiring.

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