Accurate Beats Returns! (Peppar peppar ta i trä) artwork
Almost Viral with Simon The Magpie

Accurate Beats Returns! (Peppar peppar ta i trä)

  • S1E25
  • 2:52:11
  • June 21st 2022

Simon the Magpie and Analog Weapon chat with Accurate Beats about Super sayings like “peppar peppar ta i trä‎”, our biggest fan, preparing for guests, drunk neighbor EP, listening to podcasts, not reading the podcast description (like this text right here. lol), podcast stats, setting up a new studio space and rearranging a room, mixers/interfaces/interconnections, producing music with just one ear, conceptual art and clicks, recording a process, strategy for videos, work put in vs reception, Accurate Beats being a Tony Hawk Pro Skater elite master, the Beehive, snus, binge minecrafting, Teenage Engineering, finding a niche, talking about stuff without promoting just getting more stuff, the term “synth youtuber”, the term “beat making”, explaining what we do to family, doing content in English, family vlogging, and more!

Accurate Beats Studio Tour

Accurate Beats' previous Almost Viral episode (5)

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Almost Viral with Simon The Magpie

Simon The Magpie in conversation with fellow content creators about the lifestyle of online creativity.

A podcast with the goal of digging into the minds of content creators about the mechanics of going online with our creativity. To understand how differently one can tackle all the ups and downs that come with trying to "make it" online. Hopefully both helpful and inspiring.

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