Nicolas Bras Enjoys the Joy of Creating Instruments
- S1E19
- 2:01:42
- May 10th 2022
Simon the Magpie, Analog Weapon, and Bengt talk with Nicolas Bras about TEDx, YouTube origins, Facebook page, creating DIY instruments, playing live and touring, making a living, forming a new business, working with plugins (Soundpaint), the work space, Spotify not loving short tracks, content vs art, making videos about a process, getting help with videos, getting commission, ice flute?, pseudo-midi modular wind instrument, collecting instruments (and sampling them), the history of making musical instruments, and more!
Nicolas Bras:
- YouTube
- Bandcamp
- Rare and Strange Instruments Facebook page
- Patreon
- TEDx talk: Home-made tin can drums, harps & guitars
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Plastic Waveforms with Simon The Magpie
Simon The Magpie in conversation with fellow content creators about the lifestyle of online creativity.
A podcast with the goal of digging into the minds of content creators about the mechanics of going online with our creativity. To understand how differently one can tackle all the ups and downs that come with trying to "make it" online. Hopefully both helpful and inspiring.