It's Complicated artwork
Along Came Poddy: A Rom-Com-Pod

It's Complicated

  • S1E9
  • 1:31:04
  • February 14th 2022

If you thought it was only young, rich white people that have passionate sex then prepare to hurl, as the old, rich, white people are at it just as furiously and sneakily as you!

'It's Complicated' tells the rather simple tale of divorcees Jake & Jane Adler as they reignite the sweaty passion they once had for each other by having a sordid affair away from the prying eyes of depressed children and hopeful architects.

Is it right for 50 year olds to act like giggling 20 year olds? Which Baldwin Brother was the 'Bum Stunt' double? And just how much seaman does Jane Adler really enjoy?

Starring Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, Steve Martin, John Krasinski and Literally About 3 Minutes of Lake Bell. Directed by Nancy Meyers.

Along Came Poddy: A Rom-Com-Pod

Hello and welcome to Along Came Poddy, the Rom Com Pod where we wade through the totally predictable, dated but delightful, absolute trash heap of 2000s Romantic Comedy!

Heartthrobs, stereotypes, narcissists, knobs, this show will absolutely feature them all in some form in this diabolical showcase of cringey, out-dated and, in many ways, offensive tropes that were "guaranteed" to make us laugh yet feel things ... weren't the Noughties such a long time ago!

Hosted by Phil Dean, Graham Riley & Chris Evans (Not That One), follow us on Twitter @AlongCamePoddy!