The Egyptian Cinderella Story Debunked artwork
World History Encyclopedia

The Egyptian Cinderella Story Debunked

  • 19:44
  • June 3rd 2020

The Egyptian Cinderella Story Debunked written by Joshua J Mark and narrated by DW Draffin:…a-story-debunked/

Find it on YouTube:…vgD8S5jQ/featured

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The story of Cinderella is one of the most popular in the world. In the west, it has enjoyed a continuous following since its revision and publication by Charles Perrault in 1697 CE but the tale of the young heroine, unjustly forced into servitude, who becomes elevated to royalty was told for centuries before in China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE) in the story of Yeh Shen. In this story the evil step-mother and step-sister kill the animal friends of Yeh Shen but in the end are destroyed and the girl wins the hand of the king.

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