Living Soils: A Promising Lever to Mitigate Climate Change – In Conversation at the World Living Soil Forum artwork
ARENI Global: In Conversation

Living Soils: A Promising Lever to Mitigate Climate Change – In Conversation at the World Living Soil Forum

  • E46
  • 45:46
  • September 2nd 2022

How does climate change affect soils and how can healthy soils be the answer?

At the beginning of June 2022, Moët-Hennessy held a two-day soil conference in Arles in Provence, the World Living Soils Forum. Over the two days, experts came together to explore what is known and unknown about the world beneath our feet.

The following podcast is a recording of a plenary session led by Pauline Vicard, CEO of ARENI, to discuss the issue of soils and climate change, at the recent Moët Hennessy World Living Soils Forum in Arles, Provence. Joining her were: Claire Chenu, director of research at INRAE, the National Institute of Agriculture, Food and Environment Research, who also teaches soils and science at AgroParisTech; Paul Luu, a notable agronomist and Executive Secretary of the “4 per 1000 Initiative: Soils for food security and climate”, launched at COP 21 in Paris; Jesper Saxgren, vice-chairman in Organic Denmarks Global Committee and founding member of the Regenerative Viticulture Foundation; and Nigel Greening, owner of the biodynamic Felton Road Wines in Otago, New Zealand.

ARENI Global: In Conversation

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