Around the Block With Jefferson Nunn - Interview With Bill Decker from Next Chain Ventures artwork
Around the Block With Jefferson Nunn

Around the Block With Jefferson Nunn - Interview With Bill Decker from Next Chain Ventures

  • S1E49
  • 19:46
  • May 25th 2022

Catch the latest episode of Around the Block With Jefferson Nunn. On this episode, Jefferson interviews Bill Decker, Director and Chief Marketing Officer at Next Chain Ventures.

In this podcast, Decker discusses his background in marketing and how he became involved in the blockchain industry. He also talks about the unique challenges and opportunities that blockchain startups face in terms of fundraising and growth, and how Next Chain Ventures approaches investing in this space.

Decker emphasizes the importance of collaboration and building strong partnerships with portfolio companies, as well as the need for ongoing education and learning in the rapidly evolving blockchain ecosystem.

Overall, the interview provides valuable insights into the world of blockchain venture capital from the perspective of an experienced industry insider.

Around the Block With Jefferson Nunn

Around the Block With Jefferson Nunn covers all the latest from the CryptoCurrency industry.