#23 If It Feels Like Marketing, You're Doing It Wrong artwork
Authority Journey

#23 If It Feels Like Marketing, You're Doing It Wrong

  • E23
  • 13:06
  • April 1st 2021

Welcome to the Authority Journey Podcast!

Achieving your most audacious goals doesn't happen by accident. Explore the Authority Journey and what it takes to influence, lead, and succeed.

My name is Kathryn Aragon, and I’m your host for today’s episode: If It Feels Like Marketing, You're Doing It Wrong.

What does marketing feel like?

  • pushy
  • self-promotional
  • smarmy

What are the alternatives?

  1. Value-first (Give, Give, Give, Ask)
  2. Create desire (demand generation)
  3. Word of mouth
  4. Be share-worthy -


  • you-focused
  • generosity
  • long-game - no shortcuts

Authority Journey

Achieving your most audacious goals doesn't happen by accident. Explore the Authority Journey and what it takes to influence, lead, and succeed.