Episode 197: Anayzing Power in Jim Crow Mississippi artwork
Backpacking America

Episode 197: Anayzing Power in Jim Crow Mississippi

  • S2E197
  • 1:18:45
  • July 21st 2022

Dr. Evan Howard Ashford has published Mississippi Zion, a book focusing on Attala County from 1865-1915. The purpose of his book is to challenge the narrative of Black history in America. The narrative in question being one where Black people are constantly oppressed and constantly struggling. T

his book instead focuses on Black people embracing their rights as freed American citizens and shows not just the bad, but the good as well. It shows how black farmers, shop keepers, teachers and scholars rose so quickly. And shows how this rapid success led to jealous and fearful reprisals.

You can purchase the book at the links below:

University Press of Mississippi: https://www.upress.state.ms.us/Books/M/Mississippi-Zion

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Mississippi-Zion-Struggle-Liberation-1865-1915/dp/1496839730/ref=sr_1_2?crid=27DA7LOQNGVMI&keywords=Mississippi+zion&qid=1658413262&sprefix=mississippi+zion%2Caps%2C82&sr=8-2

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