Episode 263: Save the Greenport Skatepark Part II artwork
Backpacking America

Episode 263: Save the Greenport Skatepark Part II

  • S2E263
  • 1:13:41
  • August 23rd 2023

I visit the Greenport Skatepark for their "Under the Lights" Summer Concert Series! The concerts are put on to draw people to the park in an attempt to highlight the community building space that it is. Donations were being collected to repair the poorly maintained and aging park.

During this event, I interviewed Rena Wilhelm who organized this movement to save the park. I am also joined by Greenport Mayor Kevin, the coolest Mayor ever, who also used to skateboard at the same park. I was later joined by long time skaters of the park Angel and Bo. Then later by the youth that currently use the park today.

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