Anyone Can Become A Dictator artwork
Our World From My World with Jeffrey Wagner

Anyone Can Become A Dictator

  • S1E29
  • 18:38
  • April 5th 2022

In this episode, Jeffrey starts out assertive with the belief that anyone, yes anyone, can become a dictator. He then walks through examples of how owning a dog, having kids, attending work meetings and more illustrate the inner dictator within all of us.

In the second half of the episode, Jeffrey outlines the slow pathway from common man to the out-of-touch leader and how easy it is to fall prey to the trappings of power.

Think you could never become a dictator? Dive on in to find out just how often we already illustrate the traits necessary to rule today. And we'd get away with it, if it wasn't for those meddling things like laws and order.

Our World From My World with Jeffrey Wagner

Jeffrey discusses a multitude of topics about the world we live in, as he continues to make progress on his goal of domination of the popular articule-curating app, Pocket. From bizarre topics such as the death of bees to why we need to colonize Mars all the way to relationships and paying taxes, you'll find something from our world that fits your world.