Episide 25: Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind artwork
Adulthood: Revisited

Episide 25: Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind

  • S1E25
  • 18:27
  • May 12th 2020

Hello, A:R Nation!

Doing well I hope you are.

This episode found its genesis in some indignation I felt about myself these last couple of days.

Personally, I haven't been eating right during quarantine.

I haven't been exercising.

Sure, things are a bit different right now but why have I let that stop me from being the kind of person I want to be in certain areas of my life?

I've been very active in doing some new business things during this time, because I saw, in my mind, me undertaking these new business endeavors.

Why, though, am I not letting me see those same transformations in my dieting? In my fitness?

I've heard these words in used in the context of the Bible, "be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

They also run throughout a book I've recommended time and time again to people, "Psycho-Cybernetics."

You have to see your result, then align your actions in service of that result.

This take a lot of work and energy, to be aware of the sights you hold in your mind.

As I was thinking about it, though, I shouldn't be letting a change in circumstances or my environment let me lose sight of the person I want to be.

From conversations I've had with people in my life, I think other people are sharing in this idea that, "it's ok to take a break in everything during quarantine."

Is it?

Who do you want to be? What kind of life do you want to be leading? What kind of relationships do you want to have with the people in your life?

It all starts with the sights we hold in our minds.

Right now, maybe more than ever, we have to be strong and steadfast in keeping those our goals and dreams in our minds, and let that vision wander to something random.

For me, it was a little indignation that set me straight. What is it for you?

See it, then do It. This is the Adulthood: Revisited Podcast.

Adulthood: Revisited

I dunno about y'all, but in the last few years I've been trying to figure who I am.

I've asked myself who am I as a person, as a man, as a partner in relationship, who am I in business.

I wonder if who I am is really who I want to be

If not, when did it change, and what can I do to tap into who I really want to be.

If you've asked yourself questions like these, then I invite you to join me on this journey, Adulthood: Revisited.