Episode 33: Don't Underestimate the Power of Your Seemingly Simple Talents to Create Massive Profits artwork
Adulthood: Revisited

Episode 33: Don't Underestimate the Power of Your Seemingly Simple Talents to Create Massive Profits

  • S1E33
  • 08:13
  • June 9th 2020

What is good, A:R Nation!

Verily, I hope that this episode finds you well.

I ended up deciding to piece together a string of episodes to form a mini-series within the show.

This came about as a result of having more and more conversations with people looking to start their own business, and to take their business online.

A couple of weeks ago, I shared a talk on examining and discovering your unconscious competencies.

Last week I shared that, to create a profitable business now, all you need to have is a 10% edge over your potential audience.

In today's episode, I share how we should be sure not to underestimate the power of seemingly trivial talents that we have to create a successful and profitable business.

This came to me one day when I was talking with someone about starting an online business.

Their reluctance (or, rather, limiting belief) was that the idea had already been done, that it's not entirely brand-spankin' new and unique.

"SO WHAT?!?!" I responded.

That got me to talking about white rice.

What are the cooking instructions for white rice?

No matter which brand you use, or where you go, or who you ask, the recipe is usually going to be 2 cups of water for each cup of rice, maybe a dash of salt if you'd like.

2 ingredients. Yet, each and every time I've ever had white rice in my life, it tastes completely unique and different.


No one can cook white rice like I can, just like no one can cook white rice like my grandma did, just like no one can cook white rice like you can, just like no one can cook white rice like that person halfway around the world.

In business, we don't need to be entirely new and never been seen before.

(In fact, there's an argument that you don't want that!)

The fact of the matter is our spin and influence on something is unique and cannot be recreated.

So if you have an idea for a business, no matter if there are 100 other people doing it, if someone tells you, "Why would you do that? It's been done before," tell them, "White Rice, my friend, white rice."

I made this episode with love just for you. This is the Adulthood: Revisited Podcast.

Adulthood: Revisited

I dunno about y'all, but in the last few years I've been trying to figure who I am.

I've asked myself who am I as a person, as a man, as a partner in relationship, who am I in business.

I wonder if who I am is really who I want to be

If not, when did it change, and what can I do to tap into who I really want to be.

If you've asked yourself questions like these, then I invite you to join me on this journey, Adulthood: Revisited.