Episode 52: I Needed a Pause artwork
Adulthood: Revisited

Episode 52: I Needed a Pause

  • S1E52
  • 15:49
  • August 14th 2020

Hey, A:R Nation!

I hope you're doing well wherever you are in the world listening to this episode.

I want to be honest and vulnerable with you for a moment.

This episode is generally scheduled to be an episode that features an amazing guest.

I was feeling overwhelmed and exhausted recently.

Between this podcast, my digital marketing endeavors, my law practice, I needed a pause.

While I love all the things I'm doing, and I know how blessed I am to be able to doing all these amazing things, I've been feeling tired.

This podcast has really grown, and that's incredible.

I've seen my digital marketing endeavor really start to pick up steam.

And things with my law practice are picking up, as well.

With all that I was experiencing, I wanted something more than just a weekend, or a vacation.

Many of us grind day in and day out, whether at a job or our own business.

We tape off the weekend as our personal time, though that often gets mixed in.

Weekends, though, aren't free of hurry and that feeling of needing/wanting to get stuff done.

Vacations are the same way.

Rope off a week or so, go ham before, check you emails intermittently while you're away, then come back to go ham.

I wanted something different.

Similar to how many places around the world had to experience a hard interrupt, that's what I wanted and needed.

A pause.

A pause to just be me, without the feeling or anxiety of something to be done.

A pause to just experience, wherever I was, whoever I was with, whatever I was doing.

I invite you to try something similar.

Not to plan to be away.

Not to plan to tackle as many errands that you can over the weekend.

Just take some time for yourself and just be.

Take a break. This is the Adulthood:Revisited Podcast.

Adulthood: Revisited

I dunno about y'all, but in the last few years I've been trying to figure who I am.

I've asked myself who am I as a person, as a man, as a partner in relationship, who am I in business.

I wonder if who I am is really who I want to be

If not, when did it change, and what can I do to tap into who I really want to be.

If you've asked yourself questions like these, then I invite you to join me on this journey, Adulthood: Revisited.