Episode 58: A Parachute Can't Save You Unless You Do This!!! artwork
Adulthood: Revisited

Episode 58: A Parachute Can't Save You Unless You Do This!!!

  • S1E58
  • 12:18
  • September 8th 2020

Hi, friends! How are you?

What's the good word?

I hope that you're doing well wherever you are, and doing whatever it is you might be doing.

If you're wondering what's holding you back in life, why the things that you want in your life seem to be just out of reach, then this episode is for you!

I wanted to share with you a powerful metaphor that was recently shared with me.

It came from Nandar Matari, who joined me on the A:R Podcast over on Episode 22.

Here it is plain and simple: a parachute can only save your life once you jump out of the plane!

Take a moment and really think about that.

There are things in our lives, forces at play, that can only affect us once we take action.

A parachute, on its own, is just cloth wrapped up and tied to a bungee cord.

If you pulled the cord while you're sitting in the plane, the parachute would do nada.

If you take action, however, and jump out of that plane, in a few moments, that parachute will do what it's supposed to do - open up and ease your way back down to the ground.

Let me ask you - if there are things that you're wanting in your life, are you taking the action to realize it?

The parachute requires our faith - take the action and jump out of the plane.

Life demands the same.

We have to take firm action in service of our dreams and desires.

I truly believe that once we do that, just like that parachute, life will open up and carry us to our intended destination point.

Get off of the bench and into the game. This is the Adulthood:Revisited Podcast.

Adulthood: Revisited

I dunno about y'all, but in the last few years I've been trying to figure who I am.

I've asked myself who am I as a person, as a man, as a partner in relationship, who am I in business.

I wonder if who I am is really who I want to be

If not, when did it change, and what can I do to tap into who I really want to be.

If you've asked yourself questions like these, then I invite you to join me on this journey, Adulthood: Revisited.