Climbing Mt. Everest (Part 2)—Co-Creating with the Universe on the Mountain artwork
Becoming You

Climbing Mt. Everest (Part 2)—Co-Creating with the Universe on the Mountain

  • S1E41
  • 31:59
  • November 9th 2021

In this episode of the Becoming You podcast, I reflect further on my 29029 Everesting adventure.

Today, I will talk about how I used the Law of Attraction to really help me complete this event.

I wasn’t alone on my journey to climb the equivalent of Mt. Everest. In fact, I was quite literally co-creating with the Universe while I was on that mountain.

What is the Law of Attraction, exactly?

Simply put, we attract what we think about.

When our thoughts, feelings, and actions are all aligned, this invisible force—a higher consciousness, you could say—steps in and does mind-blowing things.

The Universe may send certain people, situations, or resources our way to help us accomplish the audacious dreams or goals that we would not have been able to accomplish by ourselves.

As we co-create with the Universe, we see that it truly has the power to pull strings on our behalf.

Visualize your dream

In making the decision to take on the 29029 Everesting challenge, I knew I needed to use every Law of Attraction tool and strategy that I had in my toolbox to co-create the entire experience.

It started with visualization.

I highly, highly encourage you to get into the habit of visualizing what you want. At first, it may feel fuzzy or vague because you may struggle getting into the details of exactly what it is you desire. At first, you might not be able to access the powerful emotions that you want to feel.

Keep practicing. Keep getting clear on that vision. Keep tapping into the emotion.

Put the intention out there

Let’s head back to the beginning, way before I even took my first step on the mountain.

I hate traveling by myself, without family. I wanted to find a faster way of getting to the mountain, so I simply put that intention out there. I was otherwise completely at a loss as to how I was going to get there quickly and efficiently.

Out of the blue, my husband suggested that I ask the other participants whether someone is already renting a car.

Problem solved.

The Universe doesn’t always have to work through you. That idea had not occurred to me personally, but that’s part of the beauty of the Law of Attraction:

Adopt an attitude of gratitude toward the Universe

One of the other things I kept asking the Universe was for decent weather in Vermont.

I didn’t want to hike in the rain or the snow, and thanks to my autoimmune disease, I have poor circulation in my body. The minute it drops below 72 degrees, I have to put on many, many layers.

I visualized blue skies and weather constantly in the 60s.

Lo and behold, for the majority of the weekend, we had weather in the 60s. What’s also amazing is that the weather plunged below the 40s right after the weekend, when it was all over (thankfully)!

My army of angels

I mentioned the angel that accompanied me on this journey in the form of the kind man who got up an hour early to take me to the airport.

Little did I know at the time that he was to be the first of many.

One of these angels is Tiffany, a physical therapist who worked on my aching hips and legs for almost an hour-and-a-half.

Another is Coach Dawn, who was there on ascent #5 to support me when all I wanted to do at that point was throw in the towel, giving me the confidence and support I needed to do the next 11 climbs.

She was even by my side for the entirety of my 16th climb, and lit a fire in my belly to plow through the 17th ascent as a thunderstorm loomed overhead.

The Universe is Waiting for You

Don’t be scared of asking the Universe for exactly what you want.

You are not too demanding.

No ask is too small or too big for the Universe.

The Universe is waiting on you for guidance.

It wants to know: “What do you want from me? How can I help you? I am here to support you?”

The Universe is asking for you.

Trust, and be open to receiving.

Remember, life is meant to be co-created with the Universe.

Becoming You

The Becoming You podcast is a show for high-achieving individuals searching for more meaning, fulfillment, and purpose in life. It dives deep into self-love, spirituality, and mindset. I am Visa Shanmugam, your host, and life and mindset coach. Join me every week to learn how to go from living a life on autopilot to a fully conscious, present life using nothing but the power of your mind. Learn more at

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