How to Live With An Abundant Money Mindset artwork
Becoming You

How to Live With An Abundant Money Mindset

  • S1E80
  • 34:47
  • September 6th 2022

In this episode of the Becoming You podcast, I share my keys to cultivating an abundant mindset around money.

Main Topics Discussed:

  • A mindset of “abundance” does not mean a mindset of “perfection”
  • How to sit in abundance even during financially challenging times
  • Why an abundance mindset does not make you wasteful
  • Money as energy whose direction you can control

What is the difference between an “abundance” and “scarcity” mindset?

An abundant mindset believes that there is more than enough to go around, whether we’re talking about opportunities, love, or money.

Abundance is assurance of overflow.

A “scarcity” mindset or a mindset of lack is one most of us grew up with, especially when it comes to money. How many of us were taught to always save our extra money for “a rainy day”?

How many of us feel that tension inside our body when money leaves our bank account or we swipe our credit card?

We’re always worried about overspending or replacing money.

The truth is, money is a man-made thing. How we feel and act with money is all learned behavior.

You absolutely can change your money blueprint, but it takes a lot of awareness, intention, and active internal work.

The truth about embodying an abundance mindset

First of all, no one has the “perfect” money mindset. We all have to work on our paradigms and beliefs systems every single day.

Even when we become aware of our scarcity mindset and look to replace it with one of abundance, we will still encounter financial challenges on the regular.

The difference this time is that we will not allow present circumstances to determine our future. Just because there is less money than you might want or need in your account does not mean all is over.

Could you end up wasting money with an abundance mindset?

True abundance is not wasteful.

Having a healthy relationship with money means you are intimately familiar with your assets and liabilities. In other words, you know how much money you have, where it is, how much leaves each month, and how much of it gets replaced or added to each month.

Also realize that money does not only flow into your life through cash. When somebody buys you a gift, or when you get a refund, you become more abundant.

It is our job to recognize abundance everywhere, and to thank the Universe whenever money (or any other blessing) flows into our life, no matter the form it takes.

“Money is constantly flowing into my life!”

Make this your daily affirmation.

An abundance mindset instills great respect for money.

Contrary to the idea that being abundant makes you wasteful, having an abundant mindset means that you truly understand the value of money, and you make all of your financial decisions with that value in mind.

Just like a healthy relationship with another human being, having a healthy relationship with money means that you are secure amid all the ups and downs. You know that you are ultimately in control of the situation, even when money appears tight at the moment.

It’s easy to shame yourself out of spending on nice things, telling yourself that there is a better use for that money.

But with a mindset of abundance, you’re deeply appreciative of the money you have and spend heartily on your wants and needs with the right amount of balance, while also knowing that more is on the way.

With an abundance mindset, forgiveness is easy.

When you make mistakes (and you will make a lot regardless of the mindset you adopt), you are quickly able to pick yourself up, move on, and keep your eyes open for future opportunities.

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10 Ways to Spark Your Self Love Journey

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Becoming You

The Becoming You podcast is a show for high-achieving individuals searching for more meaning, fulfillment, and purpose in life. It dives deep into self-love, spirituality, and mindset. I am Visa Shanmugam, your host, and life and mindset coach. Join me every week to learn how to go from living a life on autopilot to a fully conscious, present life using nothing but the power of your mind. Learn more at

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