"A Navy SEAL's Journey to Recovery and Wellbeing" Interview with Charlie Fogarty
- S2E44
- 1:09:15
- July 2nd 2023
It was an absolute honor having Charlie on my show. Charlie has an amazing story from when he was a teenager having the strong motivation and desire to be a Navy SEAL to finally making his dreams come true becoming a SEAL.
Charlie get's into a great discussion on what it took for him to make this dream happen as well as what it was truly like for him and fellow SEAL's while being deployed.
We also get into discussion on how Charlie got into his struggles with addiction and his mental health and how he overcame these obstacles to being the man he is today.
It was truly a blessing and an honor having Charlie on as a special guest!
Charlie's contact information
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Behavioral Health Integration is helping to create awareness and collaboration among behavioral health workers. The main focus of Behavioral Health Integration is to increase knowledge and awareness on the behavioral health field for those planning to enter the field and the individuals that are currently in it.

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