"Mental Health in the US Navy" Interview with Danesha Deloatch, LMFT
- S1E45
- 50:34
- August 31st 2022
In today's episode, I had the distinct pleasure of having Danesha Deloatch on the show to discuss her experience as a United States Navy therapist not only for military men or women but their families and how they are affected by everyday life challenges.
We also get into discussions on the improvements the mental health system needs and different ways mental health professionals can advocate for these changes.
Danesha discusses issues and barriers minority individuals have when getting mental health services and how we can get additional minority's in the mental health field. We then conclude the episode with Danesha explaining her organization and private practice "Breaking Barriers" and the services it provides to the community.
It was a tremendous honor having Danesha Deloatch on the show!
Danesha Deloatch contact information
Breaking Barriers Therapeutic Services, PLLC
P# 360.287.4085
Behavioral Health Integration
Behavioral Health Integration is helping to create awareness and collaboration among behavioral health workers. The main focus of Behavioral Health Integration is to increase knowledge and awareness on the behavioral health field for those planning to enter the field and the individuals that are currently in it.

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