"Physician Burnout and What to do about it?" Interview with Diana Londoño, MD
- S2E34
- 55:31
- April 8th 2023
It was a great pleasure having Diana Londoño on the show!
I had a tremendous learning experience provided by Diana in regard to the everyday stress and anxiety physicians encounter on a daily basis.
Diana gets into her main motivation for starting Physiciancoachsupport.com. and what it means to her as she helps other medical doctors deal with burnout so they have someone who can relate and empathize with the emotional pain they are going through.
Diana's contact information
Diana Londoño, MD
1 of 10% of Urologists who is female in the US. #NotAProvider. Founder of Physiciancoachsupport.com. Certified Life Coach. Writer. Speaker. Livestream Podcaster: "Supernova Sistas Physicians in Motion" Views are my own.
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Behavioral Health Integration
Behavioral Health Integration is helping to create awareness and collaboration among behavioral health workers. The main focus of Behavioral Health Integration is to increase knowledge and awareness on the behavioral health field for those planning to enter the field and the individuals that are currently in it.

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