E03 Beyond the Method Selling: Embracing Adaptability in Your Business and Thriving in Any Economy artwork
Beyond The Method Selling with Clancy Clark

E03 Beyond the Method Selling: Embracing Adaptability in Your Business and Thriving in Any Economy

  • S6E3
  • 12:29
  • September 10th 2023

In this episode of "Clancy Clark - Beyond The Method Selling," host Clancy Clark challenges the commonly held belief about the economy and introduces a different perspective that empowers individuals to take control of their own success in business.

**2. Why is this important:**

Understanding the concept of "your economy" versus the general economy allows entrepreneurs and sales professionals to cultivate the right mindset and adaptability necessary for success. By recognizing that someone is always thriving in any industry, regardless of economic conditions, listeners can learn valuable lessons about attitude and adaptability that will help them navigate any market situation.

**3. What you need to know:**

- The economy is an abstract concept and has no relevance to the individual's success. It is more empowering to focus on creating and managing your own economy.

- Attitude and adaptability play a crucial role in determining a person's success in any industry, regardless of economic conditions.

- Learning from successful entrepreneurs, like Clancy's father, who emphasize personal responsibility for your own economy, offers valuable insights.

**4. What you need to do:**

- Embrace open-mindedness and consider alternative viewpoints, challenging the traditional definition of the economy.

- Take accountability for your results and refuse to be swayed by external factors.

- Continually seek out new tools and strategies to enhance your sales approach, such as leveraging LinkedIn and mastering telephone communication.

- Consider down markets as opportunities for growth and acquiring new business, as they present unique advantages.

**5. Do this now:**

- Reflect on your own belief about the economy and consider adopting the mindset of "your economy" to drive your success.

- Take stock of your attitude and level of adaptability; identify areas for improvement and create an action plan to develop these qualities.

- Commit to exploring new tools and strategies, such as LinkedIn and telephone communication, to broaden your sales repertoire.

- Embrace the advantages of down markets by proactively seeking opportunities and prospects during challenging industry conditions.

Remember, the economy doesn't determine your success; it's your attitude, adaptability, and commitment to creating and managing your own economy that makes the difference.

Beyond The Method Selling

In my 30-plus years as a successful sales professional, I have quickly risen to the top of three companies, in three different decades, in three very different markets. In each case, I started from a base of zero sales with little technical knowledge of what I was selling. And in each case, I had to build my book of business in down markets for the industries to which I was selling. These results have drawn an endless parade of fellow sales professionals, at conferences and awards banquets, asking for the key to my success. It’s simple, really, I’ve made something other than the sale my highest priority, as you’ll learn in my book, Selling By Serving.

You will also learn that I am more than just a successful salesman. I am fulfilled. I love my work and take great pride in it, but I have found a way to achieve sales success without living to work. My work is a means to the life I lead and love in Southern Colorado with my wife, my dogs and my pack goats. It is my goal to help you achieve both success and fulfillment in your own life.