Actress Sarah Rush joins Curtis to discuss her days on "Battestar: Galactica" in part 2 of the 45th Anniversary celebration of the show artwork
The RetroZest Show

Actress Sarah Rush joins Curtis to discuss her days on "Battestar: Galactica" in part 2 of the 45th Anniversary celebration of the show

  • S1E140
  • 1:37:28
  • October 4th 2023

Actress Sarah Rush joins Curtis to discuss her days on "Battestar: Galactica" in part 2 of the 45th Anniversary celebration of the show

The RetroZest Show

Curtis Lanclos interviews guests in the entertainment and music fields in every show. The RetroZest Show airs on FistFulofRadio (stream from anywhere via any web surfing device for FREE at every Saturday and Sunday at 10 AM & 8PM Atlanta/Eastern time. In addition to the weekend lineup, you also can hear The RetroZest Show on FistfulofRadio Fridays at noon and Monday & Wednesday evenings.

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