Happy Father's Day from Our Father's to You, featuring special guests Dr. Watson, Tim McCoy Sr. and Mr. Brown artwork
Black in the Middle

Happy Father's Day from Our Father's to You, featuring special guests Dr. Watson, Tim McCoy Sr. and Mr. Brown

  • S2E20
  • 1:49:03
  • June 20th 2021

This episode is absolutely lit! That's why its 109 minutes. Well, we got stories about building legacies, establishing a solid foundation in your family, related Tuskegee airmen, the role of good Uncles, being a good person, entrepreneurship and the hustle, racist run-ins with surgeons and high school kids, the importance of sports and musical instruments and so, so much more.

You're welcome.

Black in the Middle

Middle class, middle of map and just always stuck in between. This is a podcast about a three black friends who grew up in the burbs and how the battle of nature vs nurture turned them into the men they are today. Follow along as they layout a blueprint on addressing, engaging and making decisions based on cultural biases and varying perspectives.