Turning 40: The Debate of Aging vs Maturing artwork
Black in the Middle

Turning 40: The Debate of Aging vs Maturing

  • S2E25
  • 1:20:11
  • July 30th 2021

Happy 40th Birthday to Mr. Herman Brady Watson. He's looking and feeling good for Middle Age but there are quite a few things that are different now. Listen to Tim and Herman talk about what it's like to be at the "halfway point of life" and listen to Travis hold on to his youth at 39.33333.

How has the aging process affected you aesthetically, physically and mentally?

And the big question, how has your maturity kept up with your age? Are the two connected? And what factors impact them? The crew shares their middle aged perspective on middle age, looking back on life and looking forward into the future.

Black in the Middle

Middle class, middle of map and just always stuck in between. This is a podcast about a three black friends who grew up in the burbs and how the battle of nature vs nurture turned them into the men they are today. Follow along as they layout a blueprint on addressing, engaging and making decisions based on cultural biases and varying perspectives.