We Rise By Lifting Others: An Episode on Giving Back artwork
Black in the Middle

We Rise By Lifting Others: An Episode on Giving Back

  • S1E11
  • 29:22
  • June 19th 2020

Listen to Tim try and say big words as the crew covers a lot of “good” in this episode: being well rounded, lifting up those around you, the network effect of philanthropy, different kinds of giving, karma, the causes we support, how to assess an opportunity that is presented to you and the most important, giving when you don’t even have anything to give.

Black in the Middle

Middle class, middle of map and just always stuck in between. This is a podcast about a three black friends who grew up in the burbs and how the battle of nature vs nurture turned them into the men they are today. Follow along as they layout a blueprint on addressing, engaging and making decisions based on cultural biases and varying perspectives.