A Tomb Without a View: Descending into The Crypt - Part 1 artwork
Born in the Batcave

A Tomb Without a View: Descending into The Crypt - Part 1

  • S1E7
  • 27:49
  • August 8th 2020

Part 1 of 2

Year: 1986

Albums: The Glove, Blue Sunshine

Bauhaus, Bela Lugosi's Dead 12"; Burning from the Inside

Our lovable, fluffy-haired misfits finally look old enough to creep into Hastings' only goth club, The Crypt. And what a time they have! A tribe is discovered, a new band crystallizes around Nick, takes on a very strange Latin name, and friendships deepen over the music they start making. Simon finds a comforting anonymity-and-belonging in the midst of the dry ice, the noise and the unholy, beautiful confusion.

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Born in the Batcave

Two friends exploring life, goth music and alternative culture through the lens of 10 classic albums each. Covering a year-in-the-life with each episode, a coming of age story will unfold as we look back at shared memories, allied ambitions, hearts broken, dreams chased and experience gained.

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