New Metrics for Capital with Christos Makridis artwork
Repurposing Business

New Metrics for Capital with Christos Makridis

  • S5E6
  • 52:52
  • July 19th 2021

If capital is to meet eternity and not be found wanting, do we need new metrics on how capital is successfully deployed? Who is doing a good job of measuring for eternity?

Join us this week as we discuss the New Metrics for Capital with Christos Makridis.

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Repurposing Business

A podcast encouraging business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders to get their business into God's business, and to do business for more than just the bottom line. The podcast explores capital, leadership, generosity, work-life integration and societal transformation. Brett Johnson interviews leaders from around the world on topics including Web3, AI, kingdom economics and finding meaning at work in a post-pandemic era.

-- Brett Johnson,