Meet the Future: Deep Tech and SynBio artwork
Built with Biology: Podcast

Meet the Future: Deep Tech and SynBio

  • S2E2
  • 41:57
  • January 25th 2022

"Deep Tech," today's hottest technology buzzwords. But what is deep tech? How does it relate to building with biology? What will it take for deep tech innovations to make a positive impact in our world?

From the Deep Tech Mission at Boston Consulting Group, John Paschkewitz (Partner and Associate Director) and Nico Goeldel (Project Leader) join the show for a special look into the technological forces, mindsets, and challenges shaping our future.

Built with Biology: Podcast

Did you know that we can build bricks made by bacteria, produce foods from captured carbon, cure life-threatening genetic diseases, design and grow sustainable, animal-free leathers and furs, restore polluted waterways with microbes, and even print DNA?

Take a deep dive into the science and innovators behind these technologies and hear how the future is being built with biology. 

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