Chemicals are fundamental in modern society, from the stability of our infrastructures and the safety of our water. But most of these critical materials typically come from petrochemical sources. Now Solugen, a biochemicals company using cell-free enzyme manufacturing, has made the world's first carbon-negative chemical plant for key water treatment ingredients.
Hear how the company has taken over an old petrochemical manufacturing plant in Texas, literally transforming the unsustainable methods of the past into the sustainable--and more cost-effective--methods of the future.
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Fiona Mischel (Host)
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Episode credits: Hosted by Fiona Mischel, produced by Nikita Michelsen, and recorded, edited, and engineered by Bryce Joseph-Nelson
Recorded: 8/4/21
Built with Biology: Spaces
Ever wonder if cells could be programmed to fight disease, if skis could be made from algae, or if sushi-grade tuna could be grown in a petri dish? The answer to all these questions is yes! Listen Built with Biology Spaces and hear from the scientists and entrepreneurs who are designing with nature to turn moonshot ideas into reality. Want to be a part of the show and ask your questions live? Join the Built with Biology Spaces live every Wednesday at 8 am on Twitter! @synbiobeta