Better You 4U - An Entrepreneur's Journey


  • S4E5
  • 33:14
  • February 7th 2021

Episode Objectives - The Why

The focus of this season has been on building a community. At this point we have discussed identifying your customer, their pain points and how your product provides a solution to their specific problem. You have done the hard work of designing your offer and now it is time to take your customers on a journey from awareness to action. The objective of this week is to provide the key elements and the steps needed to design your customer’s journey.

Key Issues - Owner Perspective:

  • A great offer is not enough you have to take your customer on a journey
  • Your customer journey creates a pipeline of qualified leads
  • Qualified leads streamlines your sales process

What You Need to Know - The What

Sales Funnels: A sales funnel is a step-by-step process that allows you to bring your potential customer from awareness to buying your product. It is a fundamental way for any business to model their marketing and sales systems to work together to first connect with a lead and then convert that prospect into a customer. There are several elements to a well-defined funnel but at a minimum they have to include:

Top of funnel: Lead generation phase. Increase brand awareness and attract potential customers.

Awareness & Problem Recognition

Interest & Information Search

Middle of Funnel: Information Phase where you are providing more information to help the customer make their decision.

Consideration & Evaluation

Intent & Commitment

Bottom of the Funnel: Emphasis is on a great customer experience (not just customer service). You are not just converting a qualified lead into a customer. You are converting a paying customer into a raving fan.

Conversion & Purchase

Loyalty & Advocacy

Previous Podcast Episodes that may be useful

Know Your Customer


Developing Your Offer: What Problem Are You solving


What You Need to Do - The How

  • Design a container for your customer
  • Concisely define your customer journey
  • Invite your customer on the journey
  • Ethically lead your customer along the journey
  • Show your customer the promise of your product

Links and Resources

 1.    Use this link to get the show notes directly to your inbox: https://link.betteryou4u.com/shownotes

2.    JOIN My Mentoring Group in the IBGR Community

3.    DOWNLOAD the IBGR Growth App

4.    Subscribe to the podcast: https://podcast.betteryou4u.com/

Better You 4U - An Entrepreneur's Journey

Each episode has additional written information your might find helpful. Here is a complete listing of Show Notes. Want to continue the conversation? Add your thoughts in the comments section available at the bottom of each page of notes on the site. Simply click "read more" and let's get the conversations started!

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