Castle Nathria artwork
But Wait! There's Lore!

Castle Nathria

  • S9E6
  • 1:02:26
  • December 17th 2020

Take a journey through the anima soaked halls of Castle Nathria with Pride, Impervium, & Shanyn. Learn the who, what, when, and most importantly why in this episode focused on the first raid of Shadowlands!

We also take time away from Nathria to discuss the latest happenings with Bwomsamdi and Muehzella! Spoiler Alert : It's a toxic relationship.

But Wait! There's Lore!

But Wait! There's Lore! goes beyond the pixels, code, and players and dives into the rich and illustrious lore and story behind the massively popular World of Warcraft games, books, comics, and films. Venture with us on a journey to tell, craft, and investigate the lore and story of Azeroth.