Trailer: Generation Z; A post-covid lost generation?
- S1
- 01:53
- July 29th 2021
Life does not look rosy for many young people. In a series of three podcasts, Vince Cable interviews experts in education and business to understand the damage covid has done to their prospects.
Post-Covid, we have a generation/age cohort which has missed out partially - or even completely - on over a year’s education and training. They have been thrown into the labour market without completing exams or training courses, a labour market frozen by the pandemic with entry-level opportunities drastically reduced.
This comes on top of a trend of less stable employment, contracting apprenticeships, accelerating technological change, more expensive post school education and training, and an overall ‘pinch’ on the young generation relative to Millennials and older people.
To find out more about Vince, go to www.vincecable.org
Follow him on Twitter: @vincecable
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Cable Comments
Welcome to Cable Comments! Join Vince Cable as he explores, in depth, important topics affecting our lives, with experts in each field.
Vince Cable is the former Leader of the Liberal Democrats and former Secretary of State for Business, Innovation, and Skills. He is currently Professor in Practice at the London School of Economics.
To catch all the latest from Vince, you can follow him on twitter @vincecable, the latest articles at https://www.independent.co.uk/author/vince-cable and his website, vincecable.org.
About Your Host

Vince is the former Liberal Democrat leader 2017-2019.
He was Secretary of State for Business, Innovation, and Skills 2010-2015. Some of his achievements include the world’s first ever Green Investment Bank, support for young people through apprenticeships and the promotion of socially responsible capitalism