Impact and Income through Residential Assisted Living w/ Isabelle Guarino-Smith artwork
The Cashflow Project

Impact and Income through Residential Assisted Living w/ Isabelle Guarino-Smith

  • E136
  • 30:00
  • May 24th 2023

Welcome to The Cashflow Project! Join Steve as he explores the world of residential assisted living with the incredible Isabelle Guarino-Smith. Discover Isabelle's inspiring journey and how her family revolutionized senior care by transforming single-family homes into warm havens for seniors. Learn how they built a successful business and became influential trainers in the industry. Isabelle unveils the untapped potential in senior housing, fueled by the upcoming "silver tsunami" of the baby boomer generation. Find out how to seize the massive opportunities and be part of this booming market.


Impact and Income through Residential Assisted Living


Isabelle reveals golden opportunities in the booming senior housing market. Learn the secret to success: being an early player and scaling up to attract buyers and investors. Discover the power of packaging and selling multiple facilities for long-term financial prosperity. Experience the emotional fulfillment of improving seniors' lives and the positive ripple effect on families, caregivers, and the community. Invest in high-end areas for a seamless blend of upscale living. Join Isabelle on this captivating journey to positively impact one million lives in 10 years. Unleash the secrets of success and leave a lasting legacy!


About Isabelle Guarino-Smith:

Isabelle is a graduate from Arizona State University, a former flight attendant, Walt Disney World intern and now Residential Assisted Living Academy’s leading lady. She has been working as the COO of the company for the last 6 years, keeping everyone in line and on task. She's been featured in many magazines and articles on the topic of Senior Housing and most recently was given the title as one of the "Top Influencers in Senior Housing". Isabelle also won Aging Media's "the Future Leaders of Assisted Living" award in 2020 being 2 of 100's under 30 to make the list.


Outline of the episode: 


0:02 - Introducing Isabelle

1:08 - Unveiling the Journey: Isabelle's Path to Residential Assisted Living

2:54 - Navigating the 'Silver Tsunami': Baby Boomers' Impact on the Senior Housing Market

6:36 - Seizing the Golden Opportunity: First to Market in Senior Housing Industry with Isabelle

10:09 - The importance of having multiple exit strategies.

11:34 - The Landscape of Assisted Living: Mom and Pop-Style, Scalability, Creativity, and Emotion

16:39 - Expanding Horizons: Assisted Living Beyond Location and Cost Arbitrage

18:33 - Diverse Paths to Enter Assisted Living: Converting Homes, Overcoming Pushback, Buying Existing Businesses, and Building Custom Facilities

22:11 - Impacting Seniors and the Community: Strategy, Million Dollar Timeline, and Book Recommendations

24:38 - Book Recommendation: The 5 AM Club


Connect with Isabelle Guarino-Smith…





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The Cashflow Project

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