The Shred Method with Adam Carroll artwork
The Cashflow Project

The Shred Method with Adam Carroll

  • E109
  • 31:32
  • October 11th 2022

Join Duc Ong and Adam Carroll as they dive in and talk about achieving financial, time, relationship, and service freedom through a debt-free life. Adam shares that through the Shred Method, anyone can be out of debt entirely within three to five years. He is sharing his strategy with the world to help people free themselves to be themselves. Adam has published four books, produced a documentary on student loan debt as a TED talk with over 5 million views, and helped people achieve true financial freedom in their lives.


The Shred Method


Adam Carroll founded the Shred Method, a financial course and software, to help people create income efficiency and blast away their debt in record time, typically within three to five years. It is a simple, smart, and secure platform that will guide you through financial freedom by following the plan outlined for each user.


Outline of the episode:


·        [00:00] Meet Adam Carroll

·        [01:04] The possibility of being debt free

·        [02:01] The Shred Method

·        [03:53] How he paid off his house

·        [06:21] Achieving financial freedom in light of persistent inflation

·        [08:19] Mindset shift

·        [10:43] Infinite banking and strategies used

·        [14:03] Whole-life policies

·        [17:39] The strategy he used to teach his kids about money

·        [21:57] Giving kids autonomy and being careful about the language and logic used

·        [24:45] The role of the environment

·        [26:24] His superpower

·        [27:33] The biggest lesson he learned

·        [28:48] His advice to busy working professional



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● Hawaii Millionaires Mindset Blueprint: July 21 - 24, 2022 Four Seasons Ko'olina

The Cashflow Project

This is for busy professionals who are looking for financial freedom through passive income, with a focus on cashflow assets in Multifamily Real Estate. We will be covering a variety of topics such as buying, managing, and selling real estate assets, specifically apartments.

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