The Character Episode artwork
Change Starts With You

The Character Episode

  • S1E7
  • 12:42
  • February 23rd 2024

Change Starts With You is back and now airing on the Voiceless Music Network!

Today's episode from Coach James Champagne focuses on character: "Doing the right thing even when no one is watching. Character is a mixture of your valises. Do what you’re supposed to do even when you don’t feel like it. Character is still preparing even when there’s no expectation. Straight forward, direct, involved, stay committed."

Change Starts With You

James Champagne presents his critically acclaimed podcast Change Starts With You: an opportunity to impact his environment by sharing his story, thoughts, & experiences. Focusing on being the change that you want to see, this podcast is about advocating for the ones who don’t know how to advocate for themselves.

Overcoming Tragedy, Rising Above Negativity, and defining the Odds!