Libby Davy - Compassionate Coaching & Social Impact artwork
Coaching Uncaged

Libby Davy - Compassionate Coaching & Social Impact

  • S2E5
  • 37:57
  • February 12th 2018

Libby believes coaching can have a major impact on the systemic wellbeing of the world. Her clients range from coaches to charities to head-and-heart philanthropists, working internationally on a sliding scale. Her social impact extends to working in organisational development, facilitation and stakeholder relations. She is also a mother, trustee, volunteer, activist, RSA network leader, founder of a social enterprise and Kindred Coaches.

Animas Uncaged

Coaching Uncaged by Animas Centre for Coaching explores the art, science and career of coaching.

Featuring interviews with world renown experts along with recordings and thought pieces from Animas, we aim to bring to life the depth and power of coaching.