Maha Alusi - The Sport of Dialogue - Changing the World One Conversation at a Time | Animas Social Impact Summit 2020 artwork
Coaching Uncaged

Maha Alusi - The Sport of Dialogue - Changing the World One Conversation at a Time | Animas Social Impact Summit 2020

  • S11E9
  • 39:51
  • December 13th 2021

I have been involved in several integration projects for the past five years, starting from the arrival of refugees in Germany.

Everyone Song is a weekly meeting circle I ran with an opera Singer bringing newcomer refugees together with Berliners. That is when I realized the power of the dialogue.

It is possible to enable strangers to communicate, and to exchange if you create the right atmosphere and rules for a healthy dialogue.

Since 2015, I have been working in social business programs that enable migrants to start their own business in Germany or back in their homes.

I support social organisations in Iraq to come up with peaceful solutions to the conflicts they are facing.

Regardless of where we are in the World, we are becoming increasingly diverse and different. There is more a need than ever to be able to have a dialogue that enables us to communicate so that we are able to live in harmony

I started with Animas last year. Coaching is the key I was searching for.

The road to a peaceful world starts with a dialogue.

Animas Uncaged

Coaching Uncaged by Animas Centre for Coaching explores the art, science and career of coaching.

Featuring interviews with world renown experts along with recordings and thought pieces from Animas, we aim to bring to life the depth and power of coaching.