Natasha Harris - Bringing 'Energy' into Coaching artwork
Coaching Uncaged

Natasha Harris - Bringing 'Energy' into Coaching

  • S3E5
  • 22:20
  • June 22nd 2018

Natasha provides an all-around holistic approach to her coaching and often incorporates other disciplines such as Reiki, Meditation, Flower Essence Remedies and Akashic Readings into her sessions.

The Coaches Studio

If you're a coach, coaching supervisor or just plain interested in coaching, this podcast is for you.

The Coaches Studio is brought to you by Animas Centre for Coaching and features interviews with leading experts in the field including authors, researchers and practitioners. Along with interviews, we feature keynote presentations from Animas founder, Nick Bolton, and other guests.

Exploring the psychology, philosophy and practice of coaching, this podcast will provide a rich learning space for all coaches.